Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Валерия Овсяник пишет:

Хорошо ли будет для Украины, если россияне приостановят чартерное сообщение с Турцией?

Я считаю, что нет!  Но однозначного ответа нет.  Для качественного предоставления услуг необходима конкуренция. Мы все отдаем себе отчет, на сколько падает уровень сервиса в отелях,  так как хотельеры вынуждены, из за снижения потока туристов экономить на всем. Большая вероятность закрытия отелей.

Бесспорно Турция заберет часть  клиентов с большого количества направлений,  но мы видим, что турист который захочет полететь на прекрасный Кипр,  или в сказочный Занзибар, или же мистическую Мальту))),  поедет туда,  куда он и планировал. Цена влияет на выбор туриста,  но не играет основную роль

Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

И раз уж речь зашла о Сицилии и Аликанте:

1. Что там с Сицилией? Что с полеткой и планами относительно побережья? Берет ли TPG блоки в этом направлении?

2. Не страшно ли стартовать с чартером в Аликанте? В этом направлении давно работает другой оператор, уже занявший определенное место в этой нише.

Может, еще какие-то фишки сезона у TPG будут?

Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Валерия Овсяник пишет:

И раз уж речь зашла о Сицилии и Аликанте:

1. Что там с Сицилией? Что с полеткой и планами относительно побережья? Берет ли TPG блоки в этом направлении?

2. Не страшно ли стартовать с чартером в Аликанте? В этом направлении давно работает другой оператор, уже занявший определенное место в этой нише.

Может, еще какие-то фишки сезона у TPG будут?

Про "страшно", мы уже обсудили))))! ТПГ никогда не претендовал на чужие направления, именно поэтому, когда наши эксперты спрогнозировали спрос на Аликанте на украинском рынке, мы перед началом программы предложили коллегам общий чартер. Однако, коллеги посчитали, что объем в полчартера для них недостаточен. Таки образом, мы подняли направление самостоятельно.

Ну, а по новинкам сезона:
1. Италия, Сицилия.
Мы традиционно сильны в этом направлении. Круглогодичные блоки на Рим- тому доказательство! В этом году- мы пошли дальше. В этом сезоне у нас гарантированные блоки на Сицилию. Даты заездов – фиксированные. Первый вылет 2.06 и полетная программа планируется до конца лета. Очень удобная стыковка в Риме 2 часа и обратно - всего 1,10 ч.
и Сицилия.....
Рекомендуем юго-восточное побережье - отличный регион для комфортного отдыха! Нельзя не отметить курорт Таормина- виды неземной красоты открываются с центральной площади. Я, кстати, сама прошлой осенью отдыхала в Италии, правда на другом острове. Не передать словами  качество отдыха: глубокая экскурсионная программа, кухня,  шоппинг наконец! а тут еще и вулкан Этна: самая высокая гора Сицилии и самый высокий вулкан в Европе!
На заметку всем турпрофи - ниже курорта Сиракуза – песчаные пляжи, все, что выше – песок с галькой.

Аликанте: Прямой чартер на Аликанте стартует 4.06, программа продлится по 03.09.
Вылеты каждое воскресенье, в пути 3 часа 40 минут.
      Аликанте – курорт на Коста Бланке, самому экологически чистому побережью    континентальной Испании, который порадует абсолютно любого туриста, в первую очередь своим климатом, который самый комфортный в Испании, пляжами, которые имеют награждение – Голубой флаг.

Коста Бланка курорт который подходит как для семейного отдыха (имеет более 12 парков развлечений и зоопарков), так и для молодежи (курортный город Бенидорм – летняя резиденция европейских ди-джеев, а кому покажется мало, с городов Аликанте и Дения ходит паром на Ибицу, в пути всего 3,5 часа), а еще данное побережье порадует своими солеными озерами, которые идеальны для талассотерапии и лечебных обертываний.
Поверьте, Аликанте и Коста Бланка найдет, чем порадовать)

54 (изменено: Валерия Овсяник, 2017-04-19 18:03:19)

Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Какие акции и проекты туроператор готовит для турагентов на летний сезон?

И что он приберег для туристов? (Машину, которую, напомню, разыграют 1 мая, мы уже обсудили smile )

Также интересно: каким будет Travel Professional Awards 2017?
И какие там условия для участия?

Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Валерия Овсяник пишет:

Какие акции и проекты туроператор готовит для турагентов на летний сезон?

И что он приберег для туристов? (Машину, которую, напомню, разыграют 1 мая, мы уже обсудили smile ).

Боюсь если я начну перечислять все наши маркетинговые акции для этого не хватит времени эфира)))), а все итак уже устали. Я остановлюсь лишь на некоторых:
Наша предпасхальная акция «Собери пасхальное лукошко» буквально взорвала рынок. Мы разыгрывали в день более 500 различных призов – от дополнительного % по бронировкам, бесплатных экскурсий до просто денежных призов. Мы получили десятки писем от агентов со словами благодарности и предложениями продолжить акцию. Поэтому мы приняли решение сделать акцию бессрочной, не привязывая ее к какому-либо празднику Новая акция стартует со следующего понедельника.
Хочу обратить внимание на проект «Рекламник руками агента», который мы проводим совместно с Турпрофи. Агенты активно подают свои предложения рекламных туров, многие из которых очень интересны. В июне мы определим победителя и организуем рекламный тур. Открою секрет, возможно победитель будет и не один.
Ближайшее время мы порадуем вас нашим роадшоу с самыми красивыми летними направлениями - Мальта, Испания, Италия, Чехия (опять немного злоупотребляю)))!).
Также, планируем с нашими партнерами – эмиратскими (традиционно осенью), грузинскими и тд. большие роадшоу по Украине. Как всегда, мы постараемся провести мероприятия на высочайшем уровне.
Но это только несколько составляющих нашей огромной маркетинговой программы, которая предлагает агенту что-то новое каждый день.

И конечно же, венцом всего этого будет наш традиционный Travel Professional Awards !!!!!!!!!!!!
Отбор участников мы начали еще в ноябре 2016 года и будем осуществлять до августа 2017 года включительно. Критерий отбора для участия в первом этапе «ТОП 300 лучших агентов Украины» простой – объем продаж нашего продукта агентом. Ежемесячно агенты получают данные о своем месте в рейтинге и имеют возможность подтянуть результат.  Заранее предвкушаю этот праздник!

56 (изменено: Валерия Овсяник, 2017-04-19 18:06:23)

Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Елена Бойко пишет:

Аликанте: Прямой чартер на Аликанте стартует 4.06, программа продлится по 03.09.
Вылеты каждое воскресенье, в пути 3 часа 40 минут.
      Аликанте – курорт на Коста Бланке, самому экологически чистому побережью    континентальной Испании, который порадует абсолютно любого туриста, в первую очередь своим климатом, который самый комфортный в Испании, пляжами, которые имеют награждение – Голубой флаг.
Коста Бланка курорт который подходит как для семейного отдыха (имеет более 12 парков развлечений и зоопарков), так и для молодежи (курортный город Бенидорм – летняя резиденция европейских ди-джеев, а кому покажется мало, с городов Аликанте и Дения ходит паром на Ибицу, в пути всего 3,5 часа), а еще данное побережье порадует своими солеными озерами, которые идеальны для талассотерапии и лечебных обертываний.
Поверьте, Аликанте и Коста Бланка найдет, чем порадовать)

Ой, мы были в прошлом году в Аликанте. Правда, с другим туроператором. Это чудо-чудесное и красота неописуемая. Одно из самых прекрасных мест на земле.

Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

А теперь настал тот миг, когда мы должны сказать Елене Бойко до свидания.

Елена, спасибо большое за ответы.

Вы были на высоте. smile

Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Валерия Овсяник пишет:

А теперь настал тот миг, когда мы должны сказать Елене Бойко до свидания.

Елена, спасибо большое за ответы.

Вы были на высоте. smile

Спасибо большое! Мне тоже было очень приятно! Очень надеюсь, что наш диалог был конструктивным и плодотворным! Звоните,  пишите, спрашивайте! Бронируйте))))!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

wink До новых встреч. ))


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Добрый день! Являюсь франчайзингом от ТПГ  и сталкиваюсь с проблемой быстрого подтверждения отелей на зеленом фоне и еще те отели,которые в эксклюзиве. Уже не один турист ушел из-за того,что долго ждали подтверждения , а телефон никто не берет и на звонки, взяли привычку, не отвечать ,просто  не брать трубку. "Поехали с нами" говорят,что у ТПГ все плохо, вот турист когда видит такую катавасию,тоже так начинает думать.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Добрый день и с праздником, Елена Дмитриевна! Хочу поблагодарить Вас за то, что даете возможность работать с каждой точкой земного шара! Какие еще новинки, кроме заявленных чартеров, ждут нас в сезоне? Занзибар, все-таки, брать не планируете? Будут Туркиши до конца сезона?

62 (изменено: Artem, 2017-09-28 10:38:52)

Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Елена, добрый день!
мною велась переписка с отделом контроля качества ТПГ по жалобе гостей отеля LYKIA WORLD LINKS GOLF HOTEL 5*, заявка TR18077343.
Как я выяснил из переписки, ваш сотрудник ( запросил сервисы не предоставленные отелем у  представителя принимающей стороны, тот не проверил лично, а отправил запрос в отель. На что отель ответил: "у нас все работает!". Чтобы иметь документальное подтверждение, а не слова, я запросил актуальные фото миниклуба, дет. бассейна с датой съемки. Юлия мне ответила: "отель закрыт в сентябре! проверить нет возможности".
Я написал Вам свое мнение: "нынешняя система контроля заставляет краснеть меня, как  агента ТПГ!". К моему удивлению, вчера я вижу тот же отель в продаже у GTO на октябрь! Выходит, что ваш контроль качества обманула принимающая сторона или хотел  быть обманутым?!
Почему ТПГ с партнерской юрид. компанией отказывается правильно выстроить контроль предоставления заявленных услуг не только на собств. сайте, но и на офиц. сайте отеля? любая компенсация от отеля была бы ложкой меда для семьи с тремя малыми детьми.
жду Вашего мудрого решения)

с уваж. Артем Тарнавский


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Today, I will talk about salesforce certification. What does it take to pass the Salesforce certification exam? there's going to be 60 multiple-choice questions and five of them are going to be non scored meaning there's really going to be 55 questions on the exam that are going to be counted towards your grade.

you're going to get a hundred and five minutes to complete the exam which is one hour and 45 minutes you need a 65% to pass the exam. if there are 55 questions that are going to be actually scored then you need to get just over 35 questions right to pass the exam the first time you take the exam it's $200 and then the retake fee.

if you don't pass the exam the first time if $100 you can take the exam online or in person and if you're in person you just need to find a testing center that's near to you and if you take it online then you need to follow the guidelines to take the exam online you can't reference any online materials during the exam.

if you're in person you can have a piece of paper and a pencil but if you're online then you cannot have anything in front of you so I always encourage people to take the exam in person because you can at least write things down there's no prerequisite to take the Salesforce administrator exam you can take the exam


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

One of the many technologies available these days that has made projection screens easier to use is the use of projectors. Projectors are used primarily in theaters but they have become extremely popular in homes as well. One of the things that make them so popular is the cost, with most being just a few hundred dollars. In addition to being cheap, they can be made to fit almost any budget, meaning you don't need to put up with a high price tag to get great entertainment. The ease of use makes it easy for people who don't have a lot of experience with this technology to set up and take down their system. They also come in so many different sizes, from small to large, that it's difficult to imagine someone not having access to one.

Because these screens are so new to the home entertainment industry, there are some very specific features that modern screen technology has been able to add. For example, projection screens that are equipped with touch-screens are incredibly easy to use. With just a press of a button, the screen will show the image you want on it, which can include movies or even your personal messages. These screens also allow the user to easily view different options on the screen at the same time, including the volume and other options that can help you make the most of your screen's features. One of the most important features that most people find attractive about these screens is the fact that they are fairly easy to move around.

When choosing a screen, there are two basic options that will affect the cost that you will have to pay. The first is whether or not you are buying a wall mountable projector in 200 dollars range, which can cost more than a stand-alone screen, depending on how high a quality you are looking for. You can also opt to buy a portable screen, which are much cheaper. If you're just going to use your screen at a friend's house, then you may choose a stand-alone model. However, if you're going to use your screen at home then you will want to choose a portable screen. As always, shopping for a projector is an exciting experience because you can actually choose the type of screen you want and where you are going to use it. No matter what type of screen you end up choosing, though, you're sure to get more for your money with projectors that are affordable and easy to set up.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

If you are looking to buy hair dryer then the first thing that will need to be considered is whether it is a hair dryer or whether it should be designed to be used by both women and men. This is because of the fact that there is a difference between these two different styles and a hairdryer for women is going to have different features that men's models do not. Although this does mean that you will have to spend some money on a model for the both of you, it is worth doing so because of the many advantages that can come from owning one of these machines.

Firstly there is no doubt about the fact that a machine for both men and women hair dryer is far more affordable than a model that is designed specifically for use by women alone. This is because the male model of the dryer will have much more features than a machine that is used exclusively by women. The ability to use a separate nozzle for each hair shaft as well as the ability to vary the speed that the machine is operating at will be able to make the purchase a lot cheaper for you if you are buying one for your own personal use. In addition to this the fact that many men do not like the idea of using a machine just for their own hair will mean that they will be much more inclined to buy one that is designed for use by both genders.

Another advantage of purchasing a hair dryer rather than a model designed solely for use by women is that this type of device will give you far greater control over how your hair will look when it is dry. Since most women prefer to have a smooth and shiny finish to their hair, it makes sense that a machine designed specifically for their needs will have features that allow you to get this type of finish. This means that your hairdryer will be able to give you better results than a machine that is designed for women only because the settings that it can work with will be tailored to suit the needs of women.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

See and hear your child in any room with the world-famous VTech VM342-2 Baby Monitor with Video and Auto Night Vision. Full-color screen with a two-way talk-back speaker allows you to soothe your darling without ever entering the room, while a digital video camera records to an SD memory card for easy viewing. The video is clear and bright and you can also view a photo of your baby in the palm of your hands. The automatic night-vision feature will ensure that your precious child is safe in any dark room or situation. The built-in speaker lets you speak directly to your baby, whether they are crying or not, so there's no need to yell at them. And because it comes with a universal adaptor, it will fit any parent's needs, whether it's for home use or for traveling with you.

If you have a busy lifestyle and you want to keep track of your child, the Vtech VM342-2 is the perfect solution for you. With its waterproof feature and easy-to-use controls, you can monitor your child in any situation. Just plug it into any outlet and it's ready to go. As an added bonus, the monitor comes with a protective carrying case. Plus, the monitor includes a five-year warranty against defects in materials and workmanship, so your investment in this high quality baby monitor is safe and sound for many years to come. The VTech Safe & Sound Virtual Assistant (VA) software make it simple for you to access the program, and you can set up a virtual assistant at your fingertips. You don't have to worry about a babysitter, and you can keep track of your child whenever you like.

One of the best features of the VTech Virtual Assistant software is the ability to set your child to "sleep", "play"watch". No longer will you have to deal with those sleepless nights worrying about how to get them to sleep, and no longer will you have to worry about getting them up in time to watch them. The VTech VA will do all the dirty work and take care of everything. so you can spend more time with your child. and less time in front of the television, computer.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы … excel.html


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Pineapple weed in the UK is a well-known quality that attract many lovers of cbd flower uk . The scent of the pineapple weed is very strong and very pleasing, with a sweet aftertaste, while also being quite soft. The name of the flowers derives from both the smell and the size, and the fruity smell with distinct notes of lemon and pineapple. The quality of the flowers used is so highly regarded, and it's only natural that people should want to know how to grow pineapples. Here is some information on growing pineapples.

First of all, to understand the plant, you first need to know about the type of flower it's that produces the scent. They are actually called the daisy flower. They are grown primarily for their large diameter, the size of the fruit and the fact that it produces a very good and strong perfume. They are usually grown in containers, and wh en grown properly, they will produce a great-smelling fragrance. However, they can also be grown as annuals, or even perennials.

One of the main problems that can arise with growing these flowers is the fact that they need plenty of light. In order to maximize the fragrance, they need to be kept in bright light. This means that your grow room needs to have ample amounts of sunlight throughout the day. The most common method of growing them is by division into sections. Each section is then placed on its own potting tray, with soil being provided to the root. To keep the plant healthy, you should keep the divisions separate, allowing for easy pollination between plants.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Buying a company that has not yet started up is not always as difficult as you may think. There are a number of factors that should be considered and they will help to narrow down the list and make it a lot easier for you to choose one. One of the first things that you want to consider when you are trying to determine if there is something that you can do with your company is how successful the current operations of the company are. For example, if the current operations of the company has been profitable but you are unsure as to whether or not you have a viable chance at succeeding, then you may want to wait to see what happens.

Other factors that you should take into consideration when you are evaluating a company's success are the industry the company is in, how long it has been around, how many employees the company currently has and what their plans are for the future. If the company has been around for quite some time and is still going strong, then it is likely that they will be able to continue doing so and will be able to succeed for a while, perhaps even for years. However, if the company has just recently started out and has only a few employees, then they may be interested in changing their name to something that is more catchy. If a company is looking to expand or if they are changing their name, they may want to start with a smaller company so that they will be able to get the word out about their new venture.

If you are unable to determine whether or not you will be able to succeed with your current business, then you will want to find a company that is already established and has a good amount of financial backing to help them through the startup process. This way, if they fail, you have a chance to purchase their company and then you will be on your way to success as well. Although this may not be the most ideal situation, it is often the best option for those who are new to the business world. Remember that if you are in a position where you need a new buying business that is already established to help you out, then you will be able to buy one and move forward as an owner.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

The best Glucometer in India is the Systric blood glucose monitoring system. This product is capable of measuring your blood sugar at the comforts of your own home. It is a wonderful tool for people who are in a diabetic phase but cannot afford to spend money on an expensive machine. It can measure your blood sugar and tell you how close you are to hypoglycemia if you have any problem with blood sugar level. It also helps people in preventing hypoglycemia as well.

The best Glucometer in India has developed a home blood sugar meter that eliminates the necessity to visit a medical professional or technician to check your blood sugar levels. The Systric blood sugar meter kit, which includes a disposable needle, multicolored test strip and an easy-to-follow manual. Best Blood Test Kit in India. Accu-Chek active blood glucose meter kit, Vial of ten strips, and an easy-to-use instructional manual. AccuChek meter kit contains a blood sugar meter and a blood sugar monitor. You can use both these products together to calculate your blood sugar level accurately.

Another good product is the Glucometer in India, which is the only one that allows you to keep a regular track of your blood sugar levels. With this product, you can monitor your blood sugar level while you're away from your home. It is easy to use and you do not need to use any special equipment. Just put some solution in the applicator bottle to draw blood.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

If you're thinking about getting a new concrete driveway stamped Los Angeles, you may have heard that there are a few different options available. One of the most common choices is one that has Los Angeles stamped concrete on it. These driveway designs can be very affordable if you know where to look. If you are looking for something that's a little more special, you can actually have your driveway custom-built and have it stamped with the name of the business on it. If you aren't into the idea of something that is made in the city, you might even consider a driveway that is stamped from some kind of powder or paint and then painted with something that has the LA flair to it. You'll be able to find this kind of design online or through an auto dealer that will have these types of options for you as well.

When shopping for a concrete driveway, you need to consider the size of the area that you want it for. If you live in a small home in a fairly enclosed area, you should probably stick to the basics, and you'll want something that is relatively cheap and easy to move around. If you live in a small apartment, however, you may want to make sure that you have a big enough driveway so that you can walk around it from room to room. You will also need to consider the shape of your driveway, too. You want it to be the right size, but you also want it to have the right shape as well. It is very easy to get a design wrong when you're ordering a concrete driveway, so make sure you take your time and do your research. This way, you can have your driveway delivered and installed correctly, which is an important part of having it installed correctly.

When shopping for a concrete driveway, you should also keep in mind the budget that you have to work with. Some people can buy just about anything they want online, but there are always a limited number of products that you can get online. You can use a place like Amazon to find a wide variety of products, but you'll likely be paying a lot of shipping costs for the products that you purchase online. When you are shopping for something like a driveway, though, it can be more difficult because you have to order it in person to make sure that it fits properly before you are paying for it in advance.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Car Keys Belfast is the place for you if you are searching for the best car key service provider in belafast finakeys provides best car keys services. They provide the best of services to their customers and it is one of the most reputable and reputed car accessory dealers in Northern Ireland. If you are looking for car keys, then it is advised to go with Car Keys Belfast and get the most out of it. They provide you with the best of services, which includes the installation of locks, unlocking car, replacement of keys and installation of car alarms etc.

The key installation and maintenance that Belfast offers are one of its best advantages. This company ensures that they provide the most out of their service. In addition to this, they also provide the best of service as far as the quality is concerned. They offer the best of services to their clients in terms of the installation and maintenance of car keys, including the installation of car alarms, security systems and so on. It is also recommended to go with Belfast because of the excellent customer service that they offer. Apart from that, they also offer you great discounts on the price of your car accessories, which can be a big help to you. It is also suggested to go with Belfast as it will make it easier for you to shop around for the right car accessories at the right time.

It is also recommended that you go for Car Keys Belfast, as this is one of the best companies in the North East to buy your keys from. They have been offering the best of services to their customers in terms of the installation and maintenance of the car keys and other car accessories. You must also go with Belfast if you are looking for any discount offers or incentives from them. If you want to get the best of products for your car, then it is recommended to go for Belfast and get the best deal out of your car accessory.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

If you are looking to win your chosen sport then it is worth considering going to UK competitions. There are a lot of different sports that you can take part in and all of them require you to be prepared for the physical demands that you will encounter. All of these sports require you to get a certain amount of strength and power in order to succeed, even though it may seem easy. You need to be strong enough to perform the tasks and challenges that are put before you in order to be successful in any sport. When you are looking to improve on your already existing skills in any sport then it is a good idea to consider participating in one of the many UK competitions that are held each year.

As you will notice there are a lot of different competitions for all sorts of sports. For example tennis has competitions such as the Wimbeldon tournament where you can find the champions and there is also a tennis tournament that takes place every year at Wimbeldon. There are also golf tournaments that you can enter and even the Royal Air Force Football championship. Boxing is another sport that is held in most of the competitions that are held each year and the different weight divisions allow you to improve on your skills without having to fight very often. However, there are also competitions for athletics and there are also the swimming and diving competitions.

If you want to take your game to the next level then you should consider taking part in UK competitions. There are many different things that you will be able to learn as well as becoming stronger by participating in these competitions. There are also a lot of different sports that you can take part in and it can help you increase your skill level. If you have not tried playing in one of the competitions then you will be surprised at how quickly you are able to see your skills improving and you will be able to get a better understanding of what you need to do in order to win. It may sound like this type of competition would not suit everyone but it can actually be really beneficial to anyone. The best thing about UK competitions is that you will have a chance to get a lot more practice on your skills, and you will be able to do it with a group of people who will also be willing to help you improve on your game.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

Today jobs in Pakistan are abundant, due to the presence of a large number of foreign companies and organizations operating within the country. However, the main problem with jobs in Pakistan is that there are no jobs in Pakistan, if you're a Pakistani. You might get an opportunity to work in Pakistan but your job is unlikely to be in a particular field.

The government is aware of the fact that there is need for jobs in Pakistan. A big portion of the workforce is employed by the various international firms which have been providing jobs in Pakistan for quite some time now. This has enabled the government to increase the number of jobs offered by these firms in Pakistan. There are also many private companies who are offering their services to help the people find jobs in Pakistan.

There are many government agencies that provide jobs in Pakistan for people. These jobs include positions in the armed forces, the army, the navy, the air force, the Pakistan police force, the federal police, the federal border police, the Frontier Force, the Frontier Corps, the National Database Registration Corporation, the Federal Information Commission, the Pakistan Telecommunication Authority, the National Accountability Bureau, the Islamabad Bank and the Pakistan State Bank.

The various sectors which offer employment opportunities in Pakistan are the financial, the engineering, the construction, the pharmaceuticals, the petroleum, the communication and the service sector. There are also several private organizations who provide jobs in Pakistan. These organizations include private schools, the military, the hospitals and the immigration agencies.

There are numerous job portals from where one can search for jobs. If you are looking for jobs in Pakistan, you can simply apply on the websites from where you can find the jobs. If the position that you are looking for is not available on these websites, you can try other job portals which might provide some information about jobs in Pakistan.


Re: Елена Бойко отвечает на вопросы

One of the best ways to relax and enjoy yourself is to spend your time at the Pakistan furniture show. It's one of the largest exhibitions of furniture in the world, and each year it attracts thousands of visitors from all around the world. The exhibition is held in Islamabad and showcases different kinds of Pakistani furniture. This includes tables, chairs, chests, bed frames, tables, mirrors, chests, cupboards, and many other kinds of furniture for both domestic and industrial use. The only difference is that you will find that a number of these furniture pieces are made in the Asian continent, while others are made in western countries such as China, United Kingdom, USA, etc. You can even get a custom-made furniture. There are many kinds of furniture that are offered at the show, but there are some that have gained popularity in the international market.

You can look at many collections of Pakistani furniture at this Pakistan furniture show. There are some famous brands that manufacture beautiful furniture in Pakistan. These brands are: Anant Talwar, Gharib-e-Kutub, etc. However, there are plenty of others that can be found in the show. So, if you are looking forward to purchase something, you can go and visit the show to see for yourself what is on offer. In addition, you can also make arrangements with some of the vendors present in the show to ship the items to your home, so that you can enjoy the comfort of them at your place after a long hard day of work.

You will also find that the Pakistani furniture is available at reasonable prices, because they are imported from China, United Kingdom, USA, etc. If you wish to buy a piece of furniture from Pakistan, you need not spend a fortune. There are plenty of shops available in Islamabad, where you can purchase items from the show. However, you need to be sure of the authenticity of the products, as they might not have been manufactured according to the standards. Therefore, before placing an order, you should consult the official website of the show. You can also go to their online or ask their representative to get your order delivered to you in no time.